Come Visit! 

Here at Grace Ministries, we host teams from churches as well as individuals who have a heart for overseas missions.

If you are interested in bringing a group to serve, we are more than able to accommodate for teams of all ages and sizes. We have a variety of ministry opportunities for visiting groups including: children’s ministry, youth discipleship, preaching, prayer and visitation, sports ministry, construction, ministry through worship arts, evangelistic outreach, and village medical clinics and health education. These short-term teams allow church and group members to experience life in these impoverished villages, build relationships with the people of Nicaragua, and minister using their gifts and talents.

For the individual or group who desires to plan a trip to serve with us, we invite you to contact us in order to receive an application and plan a short trip to visit our ministry. We desire to see individuals come alongside the ministry, engaging their spiritual gifts and talents in order to live out their call in Christ. We desire to build God’s Kingdom together with our Nicaraguan neighbors through relational ministry. Individuals have committed to serve with us for one, three, six, or 12 month periods. After serving a short time here, some individuals decide to join our long-term staff. We invite you to come and serve alongside us.